Monday, June 23, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing and list building, for me, go hand in hand. You see, the way I create profit is by list building, but the way I drive traffic to my squeeze pages is by article marketing.

Article marketing, for me, is the foundation, list building is the building, and the email list is the profit center.

So are you using article marketing to list build?

I guess that is a pretty direct question, but I kind of wanted it to be. You see, when I first started out building my list, I sent all kinds of traffic to my site. I did the forum thing and the Adwords thing, and even did some ezine advertising. But I wasnt getting the results that needed. I needed to make a fulltime income online fast.

But I was writing articles to get links back to my web site so Google would smile on me, and that happened. But that didnt really get me the big traffic. I mean, number one is nice, but if it is a long-tailed keyword, and I am just subscribing, not sellinghmm.that just doesnt cut it. So article marketing for links was also not working.

But then I discovered article writing and marketing for the purpose of direct traffic and there are only 3 web sites to which I submit for this purpose,, and The rest, from my testing, are simply not getting the traffic. Sure, they might get you a link, and if you are search engine optimizing, that is great, but for direct traffic, you need to submit to the biggest.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 800 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Articles are in high demand these days. The simple reason is that they have power to burst your website bandwidth with high quality website traffic. If you want to tap into this high traffic pulling power of articles make sure you apply 3 simple steps laid down below with every article you write from now on.

Here's a 3 block formula that will pump up your website traffic right off the charts through article marketing...

Step 1 - Optimize Your Articles.

Step 2 - Attention Grabbing Titles.

Step 3 - High Quality Articles.

The purpose of this article is to make sure that you get high traffic from your article marketing campaign. Here are high traffic pulling article marketing steps in detail...

Step 1 - Optimize Your Articles.

You must learn how to optimize your articles. You must load your articles with keywords in your niche so that search engines know the niche your articles are targeting.

Study your niche and research keywords that they are using to find information relating to your products and services. Then optimize your articles with those keywords so that they rank well in the search engines.

Step 2 - Attention Grabbing Titles.

Title is one of the most important part of your article.

If your title fails to grab attention of your target market, no one will read your article. If they fail to read your article know one will reach your resource box and thus zero traffic to your website.

Therefore focus on writing catchy headlines. I would suggest you to get headline templates on the internet. There are many copywriting ebooks that will give you fill in the blank headline templates that are really catchy.

Then make sure you include your article benefits and solution to problems of your target niche and use the templates to write catchy headlines.

Step 3 - High Quality Articles.

The only reason people are reading articles it that they are in need of quality information. If your article sucks and provides crap information, you will spoil your reputation and get zero traffic to your website.

Therefore it is very important to give your target market what they want, that is quality informative content in your niche. If you provide quality content this will boost up your name and reputation in your niche.

Do you want to learn how I do it? Watch this 'FREE Report' and Discover How I Created a Killer Cash-Pulling-Machine that Attracts 23,883 Visitors and Earns $6665.49 on Autopilot from just 20 Days of Lazy Work...

Free internet home business idea Report.

Murtuza Abbas has helped hundreds of newbies 'One-On-One' to start their internet home business...

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Writing articles but just not making the income you desire? This article is written especially for you. I'll show you how to create a nice 4-figure income just by writing articles on the Internet. Chances are, if you aren't making the income you want, you are missing some "links" along the way.

So here's how to dump massive paychecks into your bank account with article marketing:

Step 1 - Find 5 Niches

Instead of just going all out in one niche, go after 5 niches to really explode your income! Some niches you might want to take a look at include digital photography, weight loss, bodybuilding, parenting and dating. These niches are some of the hottest niches at the moment. Choose 5 niches which you will be concentrating your article marketing efforts on.

Step 2 - Find 5 Affiliate Products

You'll be finding 5 affiliate products to promote in your 5 niches. The best kinds of products are digital products because of the high commissions. Go to Clickbank, search for your niches and choose your products. You'd want to choose products with a high Gravity level, which means many affiliates have been selling the product well.

Step 3 - Write 5 Articles A Day

Write 5 articles a day, 1 article per niche. It's not difficult once you're accustomed to it. I regularly take 15 minutes to write an article! You might take an hour to write one article at first, but with practice, you'll eventually get faster and faster. Soon, you might feel the urge to churn out as many as 10 articles a day because you know they are bringing you money. If you write 5 articles a day, you'll have 150 articles in a month's time and 1,800 articles in a year. Will that bring you a lot of money? You bet it will!

Remember to add your affiliate link to your resource box to grab those sales! Submit your articles to the most popular article directories like Ezine Articles. And remember to buy your own domains to forward to your affiliate link since most article directories don't accept raw affiliate links.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

How many times have you crawled the internet, looking for information, only to find a badly written article that annoys you more than it helps you? With the increasing use of article marketing as a strategy for promoting websites and increasing visitor traffic, there has been an explosion in the number of article-based websites and the number of articles available.

In many cases, however, this rise in the quantity of available content is at the expense of quality. There are a great many articles out there that do not provide the kind of positive promotion that most webmasters are looking for. In many cases, this can be entirely due to the poor quality of the writing.

If you are writing an article to promote your business or website, you need to ensure it shows you in a positive and professional light. Badly constructed sentences and incorrect spelling are annoying to readers. They detract from the image that you wish to portray and the overall informative content of the page. Readers will know if they were written in a hurry. Mistakes in your articles tell your potential customers that you didn't check them and so that might be the service they can expect from you.

Whether this is true or not, in your case is unimportant. The impression you give when you publish a badly written article will colour the reader's view of you and your organisation. There are some simple things you can do to avoid this.

Always proofread your article.

Never write your article and immediately submit it. Leave at least 30 minutes between finishing the draft and proofreading it. This helps ensure your mind has had a chance to focus on something else and that you've mentally 'dumped' the article before you re-read it. You will have a better chance of finding errors and areas for improvement if you take a break first.

Check your spelling.

With modern, automatic spell-checking software being readily available, there really is no excuse for allowing incorrect spelling to remain in your article. Keep a dictionary with you when you work and consult it whenever you are unsure.

Take advice on language and punctuation.

Look at some well-known published writers for ideas around how they construct their sentences and the types of words that they use. There are lots of sites on the internet that have excellent free advice on what to look for and how to improve it. Your readers will appreciate well constructed articles and sentences. there are few things as annoying to many readers as misused punctuation.

Check your facts.

People aren't that interested in your opinion. It isn't worth any more than their own. Make sure you can back up any claims or conclusions that you make with facts. If you have the facts, and are willing to reference sources, your article will be seen to be more authoritative.

All of the areas I have mentioned are important and when addressed together will ensure that your article is the best it can be. Only then will the article be a positive reflection on you, your business or your website.

Paul Docherty has many years experience of business related writing, as well as project management. Visit for lots of free tips and advice on improving your writing.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are hundreds of methods for web site promotion. However, most of these methods would definitely cost hundreds of dollars. To be successful in the field of electronic commerce, web site promotion is crucial. There are many people who have doubled their profits by promoting their web sites or affiliate programs. For generating more and more traffic for your web site, it is important that you understand the concept of marketing.

Many authors waste their time producing hundreds of articles which do not attract the desired traffic. It is not that those articles are inferior or that they are poorly written. It is just that those authors fail to understand the importance of marketing in the field of writing. This article will throw light on the concept of 'marketing of articles'. I am sure that with proper guidance, you can definitely make your articles salable.

The Internet has become one of the most visited places in the whole world. It has a enormous amount of information about almost anything and everything thank you can think of ! There are three different types of information that can be given over the internet, these there type are video, audio and text. Even tough many people do not read the whole text of all articles they do extract information that is relevant to their search.

Be aware, of course, that web sites which have attracted a better "page-rank" on a search engine will be able to bring in a great deal more casual traffic. The importance of programs such as Search Engine Optimization cannot be understated. "SEO" programs are vital for providing efficient article marketing, so long as your article features the correct keywords.

If you want your article to be popular, you must give it a great title. Do not use "search engine spam techniques." The concept of article marketing is an easy one to understand if you are ready to put in some time and effort.

The internet offers many opportunities to learn various skills for free including the techniques of article marketing. One such aspect of article marketing is the writing of unique articles that offer unique content. Plagiarism is totally taboo of course along with the habit of using obscure words unlikely to be understood by the average reader.

There are hundreds of methods for web site promotion. To be successful in the field of electronic commerce, web site promotion is crucial. There are many people who have doubled their profits by promoting their web sites or affiliate programs. It is important that you understand the concept of marketing. There are many web sites, which teach you the concept of article marketing for free. Writing unique articles is also a smart technique. Make sure that every article you write is free of plagiarism or in other words, it has unique content. Do not use words, which are difficult to understand.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Do you find it difficult to market your business online? There are many ways to easily market your business online with articles. Let me give you a few examples:

1. Information Articles

Product use articles are popular and helpful. Just tell your reader how to use a product you market on your website, the use the link and resource box at the bottom to draw them back to the product.

2. Growing Concern Articles

Share a growing concern with your reader. Financial worries are popular. Then share with the reader how to solve the problem. How to manage a credit card, might be an optional solution, with a link to your website for more information and assistance with their problem.

3. Problem - Solution Articles

Give them a problem to solve. This might not even be a problem they're aware of yet. Then share the solution to their problem in an article that drives them back to your website for more information.

4. Quote and Explanation Articles

You may have read a popular quote recently and want to delve into the meaning of the quote. This is a fun article to write, because you get to share your heart felt thoughts and concerns, with a popular idea attached. Be sure to drive them back to your website for more information.

5. Tips and Ideas Articles

This is a tips and ideas article that shares tips about writing articles. It offers ideas in a straight forward manner, with suggested clues, and responsive directions.

Are you ready to write articles?

Learn POWERFUL Article Marketing Strategies at

A List Registry where high Impact Marketing Plans will Brand Your Market successful.

Jan Verhoeff teaches article marketing and other marketing strategies that work online at for marketers who want to Make Money Online.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

"Genius. It is just attention to something specific. That's all it is ... so anyone who gives attention to any subject for a period of time will evolve in the direction of that understanding." -- Abraham-Hicks

Most of us wish we were geniuses but almost none of us feel that we are. Society tells us that the Einsteins of the world come along maybe once in a generation.

But you are a genius - we all are. At what? At being you. And that may be enough to help you create online success. Why?

Ever look around on the web and find that most online businesses are, well . . . boring? Loud? Obnoxious? And definitely unappealing? Ten-page ads are NOT appealing. Empty promises of making thousands of dollars in a few weeks - appealing, but not very realistic. This mass of unappealing web content is the result of people trying to be the model of success - but these people have forgotten to be themselves.

At the other end of the spectrum, look at what's really a success online: social networking. MySpace, YouTube, Facebook. What's that all about? These sites are about people being themselves. They show themselves as they really are--grungy, attractive, silly, sad, and smart by turns. Other people are really attracted by that authenticity.

Some MySpace users have over 1.5 million friends. Count 'em. Yup, we said millions. What are they doing? Nothing but putting a spotlight on who they are. They are geniuses at being themselves, and that attracts.

You are also a genius at being you. So if you want to attract people online to your business, be the genius that you are. Don't hide your personality under a bush or cloak it in a lot of "expert" bull-pucky. Express yourself!

Whether you write articles, author a blog, put up a page on MySpace or post a YouTube video, the germ of success for you lies in your own genius.

The age of the guru is over. The age of "people like me" is here, now. People want to interact with people like them, people like you.

Whoever you are and whatever you're situation, write about it so people can connect with you. Connecting is as simple as letting people know not just who you are, but how you are. Describe your situation and BE HONEST. Are you a mom stuck at home dealing with dirty diapers and toilet training but longing for some time and money for yourself? Then say so. If you haven't washed your hair in three days because you don't have time to, but you really want enough time and money to hire a babysitter, dress up for a few evenings of adult conversation and wine ... then blurt it out!

If people can have 1.5 million "friends" online talking about their most recent fight with their boyfriend or a bad day at work, just think of what you can do with your home-based business by just being you? Blog, submit articles, write reviews, set up a business website, get a MySpace page ... whatever. Just don't lose your personality along the way.

As Coco Chanel, the grande dame of fashion, once said:

"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone."

Stephanie Yeh and her business partner, Leta Worthington, are the Pajama Mamas, XanGo independent distributors and founders of No Brainer Networking, the network marketing site for people who hate to network (and want to earn a profit in their pajamas!). The Pajama Mamas have over 2 decades of success in networking marketing. Learn more and access free home-based business resources at