Monday, June 23, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

How many times have you crawled the internet, looking for information, only to find a badly written article that annoys you more than it helps you? With the increasing use of article marketing as a strategy for promoting websites and increasing visitor traffic, there has been an explosion in the number of article-based websites and the number of articles available.

In many cases, however, this rise in the quantity of available content is at the expense of quality. There are a great many articles out there that do not provide the kind of positive promotion that most webmasters are looking for. In many cases, this can be entirely due to the poor quality of the writing.

If you are writing an article to promote your business or website, you need to ensure it shows you in a positive and professional light. Badly constructed sentences and incorrect spelling are annoying to readers. They detract from the image that you wish to portray and the overall informative content of the page. Readers will know if they were written in a hurry. Mistakes in your articles tell your potential customers that you didn't check them and so that might be the service they can expect from you.

Whether this is true or not, in your case is unimportant. The impression you give when you publish a badly written article will colour the reader's view of you and your organisation. There are some simple things you can do to avoid this.

Always proofread your article.

Never write your article and immediately submit it. Leave at least 30 minutes between finishing the draft and proofreading it. This helps ensure your mind has had a chance to focus on something else and that you've mentally 'dumped' the article before you re-read it. You will have a better chance of finding errors and areas for improvement if you take a break first.

Check your spelling.

With modern, automatic spell-checking software being readily available, there really is no excuse for allowing incorrect spelling to remain in your article. Keep a dictionary with you when you work and consult it whenever you are unsure.

Take advice on language and punctuation.

Look at some well-known published writers for ideas around how they construct their sentences and the types of words that they use. There are lots of sites on the internet that have excellent free advice on what to look for and how to improve it. Your readers will appreciate well constructed articles and sentences. there are few things as annoying to many readers as misused punctuation.

Check your facts.

People aren't that interested in your opinion. It isn't worth any more than their own. Make sure you can back up any claims or conclusions that you make with facts. If you have the facts, and are willing to reference sources, your article will be seen to be more authoritative.

All of the areas I have mentioned are important and when addressed together will ensure that your article is the best it can be. Only then will the article be a positive reflection on you, your business or your website.

Paul Docherty has many years experience of business related writing, as well as project management. Visit for lots of free tips and advice on improving your writing.


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