Sunday, June 22, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you put the following article marketing tips into place, you will see a steady flow of website viewers.

1. Target long tail keywords for your articles by utilizing a good keyword research tool such as the one at By targeting long tail keywords you have an increased change of conquering that keyword whereas more competitive keywords would be very hard to conquer.

2. Use the articles main keyword in the article title and use very few stop words such as in, the, and, your etc.

3. Provide useful information in the article body. Many people just stuff the article body full of useless info just to reach a word count. Remember, the article body is where you give and the signature is where you take.

4. Take the time to create a catchy signature. Never place your link in the signature without telling a little about yourself and your service/product. This is your chance to take and you should capitalize on the opportunity. Think of the signature as a free advertisement. Would you just place your link in a paid advertisement, or would you utilize every opportunity provided?

5. Once your articles are accepted, bookmark them with all of the popular social bookmarking sites like and These sites are extremely popular and they are growing in popularity every single day.

6. Submit as many articles as possible. A few articles a month will not bring in many site visitors. In order to effectively market with articles you absolutely must maintain a high frequency of articles submissions. If you can submit an article a day you will see huge results. Just write and submit as often as you can and do not let procrastination get the best of you.

If you were not doing any of these suggestions in the past, I highly recommend doing so from now on. These are a few of the more important aspects to article marketing and they can really make a difference in your article marketing campaign.

Joshua Spaulding is an Article Marketing vet, providing the #1 Ebook on Effective Article Marketing at Joshua uses strictly article marketing to bring in thousands of visitors to his Websites on a daily basis and he invites you to learn his secrets.


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