Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing continues to impress more and more webmasters online. Imagine, getting your desired traffic by just writing and submitting your articles without the need to learn complicated programming languages and HTML codes. This is the reason why it remains to be the most popular product and website promotional tool online. It's not only hassle-free, it's also cost-effective.

Here are the 5 brand new steps to grow your article marketing:

1. Kick-start your articles by giving them powerful headlines. Make them sound like they are the most important pieces of information in the internet and that online users cannot afford to miss them. Be bold and be creative so you can entice more online users to open and read your articles.

2. Make your articles easy to understand. Avoid using big words and never-ending sentences. Stick with simple writing formats and use words that are familiar with your target market so you can easily get your message across without creating unnecessary confusion.

3. Write more. 10-20 articles will not guarantee you success in article marketing. In order to generate more quality inbound links for your website, you must be willing to multiply the number of your articles.

4. Go for electronic submission. There are various software that can help you automatically submit your articles to leading publishing sites. Take advantage of this to save time which you can use in augmenting the number of your articles.

5. Create a powerful resource box. It must be impressive and compelling so you can attract more online users to click on your website's URL. Keep it short and direct to the point. Include your name, your expertise, the problem you solve, and your website's URL. You can also make use of anchor texts to increase your clickthrough rate.

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

We all know about the power of article marketing; just ask any of the most prolific expert authors at ezinearticles and they will confirm just how beneficial it has been for them. These authors seem able to write five or more articles each and every day, this is most impressive as well as being quite amazing. I must admit that I struggle to achieve my goal of writing an average of one article per day even though I am fully aware of the rewards that this brings.

This is the present day truth of article marketing but what about the future, will writing articles still be as popular in ten or twenty years time or will the major search engines attempt to put an end to the practice in the same way that they have with paid links and excessive link exchanges?

I have quite a busy life, I have two children, I have a full time career and an extensive social life. This is my excuse for only writing an average of one article per day as I would love to be able to write more. I do however ensure that I have the time to promote my websites in other ways such as by attempting to obtain powerful one way links. This strategy has worked very well for me over the last five years.

It is important to look ahead, what is working at the present time may not work next month or next year. The world of website marketing is forever changing and it is essential to stay one step ahead of the game.

As for the question in the opening paragraph of this article, I personally believe that article marketing is here to stay for a long time. The cumulative affect of the authors who put in the big strides today will, in my opinion, see huge rewards over the longer term as well as the short.

There is absolutely no reason for search engines such as Google to attempt to ban this form of web promotion, after all the links that are gained are all one-way and there is no money changing hands.

My advice to any webmaster who is looking to promote their website would be to start writing articles today.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including: stuttering treatment, complementary therapies and DVD authoring

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In my regular scouring of the internet marketing do's and don'ts, I come across an endless sea of opinions, many of them contradictory of other opinions by internet marketers and gurus. You may have seen something like what I'm referring to. Some internet marketers will tell you "Adsense is dead", while others assure you that "There's still life in Adsense and other Pay Per Click programs!" One of the topics that has come to my attention recently is regarding the use of articles to raise the search ranking of your website and do some honest to goodness SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

There are several aspects to SEO, of course. This article takes a look at articles and how their content can be used to your advantage to build your website popularity.

One opinion I've seen time and time again that has been trumpeted by scores of marketers, and that has never been contested, is "search engines love content." I'll go a step further and say, "Search engines love original content."

If you want to see what I'm referring to, do a search under "article sites" and see how many directories you pull up. Article directories are out there in droves, keeping a large supply of articles that can be (and usually are) used by people publishing ezines or adding content to their sites. I've submitted articles to several of these sites for free. Here's why submitting articles is a win-win situation:

Win for you: You get to include a "resource box" with your article, which can be a link back to your website (or the affiliate site you are promoting)

Win for them: ezine publishers need to come up with articles every day/week/month. Webmasters want their proverbial "regularly updated content." Article directories give them the ammo they need to keep their updates regular and their content fresh.

Of course, this does mean you will need to write. If you like to write already, great - get started! If writing is about as fun for you as pulling your teeth with rusty jumper cables, all is not lost. My suggestion is to look at sites like Elance (www.elance.com) and look for writers on the topic you want to cover. Elance has a bidding system, which allows you to post a project for bids and let prospective writers bid on it. Once you have your article written, you will need to submit it. There is an endless array of article sites on the web. You can also take a shortcut by trying an article submission tool.

Something else to remember - SEO will take awhile. Even if you have submitted articles, you must give them time to make their way into the hands of those people who will publish them on sites and on the web.

So there you have it - articles help you promote your web site the write way!

Paul Heingarten is an entrepreneur, author and consultant. He owns several websites and has assisted business owners with website design and marketing. Take a look at his site http://www.theebookstar.com to see a great collection of ebooks available on topics like website marketing.

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It is common problem among website owners that sometimes their website dropped from Google index and they do not find their website entering the target keywords in the search box . The reason is simple, that website doesnt follow ethical SEO Tips for optimizing website for Google. It happened to one of my friends sites in past. Through that experience I learned a lot about Googles algorithm of indexing or ranking a website and giving it higher priority for targeted keywords. Like all if you want to avoid Google ban for your site than you must follow the tips given below:

1.Make your site Accessible.

This means that your site must have very good uptime. Always use reliable hosting service with good uptime (no less than 99%) and fast response time. Also ad a Robots.txt file in your root url. Your website may be drod by Google SERPs if Googlebot comes to your site and cannot access it.

2.Add only unique and relevant content to your website.

Add only unique content to your website. It must be informative and interesting to your visitors and relevant to your website theme. Write content for real humans and not for search engines. If you add a duplicate content on your site, copied from somewhere else, there will be more chances to be excluded from Googles index.

3.Avoid spam to promote your website.

Avoid spam as this mistake may causes of ban your website from Google index. In this way never use doorways, hidden text, auto-generated page, keyword stuffing, cloaking or any other type of unethical techniques.

4.Building link popularity for your website.

Quality matters a lot and not every inbound link is always good. Take care of websites linking to you. Avoid to participate in link farms or FFA pages. Try to get links from related theme websites only. Avoid spamming forums, guest books, blogs or comments. Outgoing links are also very important. Pay attention on what sites do you link from your website. Avoid link to sites that use spam techniques, because this may harm your site and your site may be banned from Google.

5.Add A Sitemap.

Provide a way for Googlebot to index the whole pages of your website. Create sitemap and link it to all pages of your website as sitemap helps Googlebot to easily access your all web pages. If you are using JavaScript or Flash links - duplicate them with plain text. I think above tips will be useful to you all and by using these tips your site will never be banned from google....if you have any suggestion or comment fell free to share with me.

Author involve in research and analysis of various search engine strategies and algorithms. More Articles by author at Latest SEO Tips and Strategies

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Trivani International is yet another MLM newbie that hails from the great state of Utah. The company's business model is unique in that it provides for the funding of various humanitarian causes. While Trivani's cause is seemingly noble in nature, this article will examine the long term viability of the company's strategies in the arena of network marketing.

The company's executive team of Bob Steed and Shane McClellan boast very strong MLM credentials. Bob created a major network marketing company, which specialized in personal products much like Trivani, and sold it for millions of dollars. Shane was the International marketing manager for a network marketing company. During Shane's tenure with that company, profits increased a whopping 300%. Both men have extensive product development experience, and a genuine passion for the industry. The company headquarters is in Springville, Utah.

Trivani's product line consists of high end, all natural and biodegradable, personal care products. The company has 4 main product categories; skin care, hair care, generic personal care items, and Trivani "essentials."The "Essentials product line consists of foundational nutritional products. It is the least complete line at this time. The company plans on adding additional nutritional products in the future.

Becoming a distributor with the company requires no up front fees. Trivani provides distributors with free websites, and a back office business management system. Extensive training is provided, as are frequent conference calls. To maintain distributor status, a 50.00 personal volume must be maintained.

As with so many MLM companies these days, Trivani International's compensation plan requires P.H.D. level intellect to understand it It is basically a unilevel plan that pays out to 12 levels deep. The plan features compression, so that distributors are not hurt by under performing recruits in their down lines. A unique aspect of the compensation plan is the ability for distributors to achieve "guardian" status. "Guardians" must achieve a personal volume of at least 100.00 on auto-ship. When they achieve that level, they are assigned the sponsorship of a needy child. The company also sponsors a foundation that accepts donations which are put toward a variety of worthwhile causes.

Trivani International has many components that are very favorable for long term success. An experienced and talented management team, consumable products that cater to individuals who demand quality personal care items, and the ability to enhance their product line on a continuous basis.

To be successful with any MLM company as the industry exists in 2008, one must learn to leverage the power of the Internet to attract prospects. "Old school" methods of marketing, such as calling leads, approaching friends and family, the "3 foot"rule, etc. are inefficient and outdated. Renegade University offers excellent, FREE training in attraction marketing. This members only website offers step-by-step video tutorials on all aspects of attracting prospect using the Internet. Check it out now!

Michael has 30+ years of both online and offline marketing experience. Often called the entrepreneur's entrepreneur, he is a coach and trainer of both consultative selling and attraction marketing. Visit http://www.whoismikehutchins.com for a FREE copy of the controversial report, "The 7 Great Lies Of Network marketing", For more juicy reviews and network marketing tricks and tips , Go To http://networkmarketingbuzz.squarespace.com