Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

One really great place to take advantage of other companies' testing is to visit Of course, the tests aren't your own, so you can't depend on them solely to operate your business, but it's a great place to start.

A little more than 3 years ago, conducted a study on subscription rates. They based their findings on many different variables, and though the tests are old, the principles still apply. I'd like to share some of the results with you here:

1) Make your value proposition prominent

A value proposition tells your potential subscriber what's in it for them. The value proposition gives the primary benefit a person will get from joining your list. For instance, what if your niche is bowling? If you can tell people how to increase their scores 20% just by using a special technique via a special report that people can sign up for on your list building page, do you think avid bowlers would bite? No doubt. Especially if the report you give them is free. This value proposition should be your headline.

2) Easy, fast sign-up

Stick to simple information, such as first name and email address when putting an opt-in box on your list building page. The easier you make it for people to sign up for your list, the more likely they will be to do it.

3) Let people know you'll protect their information.

In these days of identity theft, which is all over the media, people are very leery of signing up for anything, especially online. Let them know that you're one of the good guys, at least in theory. "We protect your privacy. Your information will never be sold, rented, or given to anyone for any reason" would be a helpful statement, if you place it directly under your opt-in box on your list building page.

4) Advertise your low-risk factor.

If you let people know that they can unsubscribe at any time, they'll be more likely to sign up. Some people are reluctant to join any lists just because of the sheer volume of mail that arrives in their inboxes on a daily basis. By letting them know they can unsubscribe without trouble, you'll get more people to sign up.

5) Make your list building page the top of your sales funnel.

When leading people to buy your product, which is the true purpose of any list building page, you need to lead them through the process. This begins when they opt-in and it continues with the redirect after they click the submit button. This should be the sales page for your product. Though your special report will sell your product throughout, you'll also want to send list members autoresponder messages with more information about your niche. At the end of each informational email, you include a link to your sales page. Many times, after you've delivered a bit more helpful content, people will come to respect you and buy what it is you're selling.

List building and conversion will see a boost if you incorporate these ideas into your list building pages. Just remember that your customer's question, "What's in it for me?" should always be at the top of your mind. If you can show them what's in it for them, if you help them solve their problems, you'll not only have a valuable list member, but you'll have a customer for life.

As CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., Tellman Knudson has become a list building ninja. Pick up all of his list building secrets at


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