Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Let me tell you I see and hear this all of the time. "How Can I Increase My Google Page Rank Fast." Well to be honest their is no sure fire way to increase your Google page rank fast, but I can give you some tips that will help you build quality back links and increase your Google Page Rank over time.

  • Submit tips, advice and other relevant information that you may have about your business to article directories. But beware their are only a few good article directories out their. Use Ezinearticles.com, ArticleDashboard, Buzzle.com, ArticleCity.com just to name a few.
  • Use social bookmarking sites
  • Submit your site to good quality directories like Dmoz and Yahoo directory.
  • Use persuasive link building methods that I used to gain several one way home page links as described in my blog in Aug 2007. This is a killer technique that helped increase my Google page rank and search engine positions.
  • Create a great tool or information that others will love to use or share and link to on their websites, blogs etc.
  • Leverage web 2.0 sites and authoritive domains as describe on my blog in Aug 2007. This one is a killer for dominating search.
  • Add fresh, unique content on your site as much as possible.
  • Trade links with other webmasters, but not to many be picky about who you trade with and the link must be a great resource for your visitors too!
  • Make sure your linking structure is clean and you can get to any page in your site through a link on your site
  • These are just a few tips that will help you get started but just know that page rank is not everything, but quality content, quality links and a great user experience mean more than just a little green bar.

    James Dean Nash is an SEO who runs several E-Commerce businesses, affiliate marketer and product creator. He runs a SEO blog that focuses on E-Commerce, SEO and Internet Marketing.


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