Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

I'm sure you have heard the old cliche that 'the money is in the list', but before you can start any sort of list building you need to have visitors to your website. Waiting for the search engines to index your page might take a while, so why not take advantage of the customers and traffic on the worlds largest shopping site and sell ebooks on eBay to start a mailing list.

Selling ebooks or other informational products can be a fast way to build your list. By sending your customer to a download page on your website you are driving targeted customers directly to your opt-in box. Of course you can't make them sign up just to get their product, but you can include your opt-in box on the same page that they will download their product.

Have your download link at the top of the page and directly below it ask for their name and email in return for something equally enticing that is related to your business such as a free report or a mini email course.

For even further list building you could write your own info products that are directly related to your niche. For example, if your site was about dog training, you could write a report on how to train your german shepard and sell it on eBay with links inside the ebook back to your website. Then all you need to do is write another similar ebook on training poodles, and another on training beagles etc.

If you allow your product to be resold by others, pretty soon your dog training guides and reports will be all over eBay and the web, all directing customers back to your homepage to become members of your mailing list.

As you can see, the potential for building a list of customers using eBay is extremely profitable and should not be overlooked as a way to bring targetted traffic to your site and help you build a list of customers quickly.

Now you know how to build your mailing list fast, get your 25 Page Guide to Successful Selling on eBay for more great eBay selling tips.

Tracey sells ebooks on eBay and knows all the secrets! (Well most of them anyway). http://www.traceys-ebooks.com

If you liked this article, you might like another of my articles: Selling Ebooks on Ebay - Do You Need A Website To Host Your Ebooks?


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