Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Dear Friend,

Many people like to listen to all the graphic designers and other web designers about what to do to get your website in the search engines.

Be very careful, 90% of the time they have no clue. Here's a secret:

It is very easy for your site to get traffic and to be listed in the search engines without paying those companies that advertise they can get you in 1000 search engines.

Don't worry about the 1000 search engines, you will waste your money.

Just focus on Google, Yahoo MSN. That's where all the action is.

(And Money for you...)

So how do you get listed on Google?

It's very simple. Links. Find someone who's website has a high Page Rank (PR) and get them to link to you.

First, let me explain PR or Page Rank.

It's a ranking scale (from 1 to 10) based primarily on the number of WebPages and the importance of the pages that link to the site you are at when you use the Google tool bar.

So, the link below is the location you need to go to get the software - it's actually a toolbar that attaches itself to your web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer).

It's called the Google Tool Bar and here is the link that you need so you can load it and use it.


Make sure that you get the advanced version.

The Google Toolbar allows you to find out your Page Rank and the Page Rank of other sites for your link building strategies. It also provides the Page Information such as links that are pointing at the site you are visiting.

Here's How To Start Building Links And Create An Avalanche of Free Traffic To Your Website"

Now that you have the Google toolbar and have received information on how to explode the flow of free traffic to your Website instantly, let's get started with a plan on how to really do it.

Do you have any links to your site yet?

If not then get some, you can always go out and ask someone to link to you, find sites that will add your link to your site, swap links, post messages on message boards or blogs give someone a testimonial that has your link after your name.

Sit down and think of ways to get links... be creative..

One cheap and easy way of getting a link to your site is by swapping with others.

Not all people understand that when it comes to free traffic to your website that having in-coming links to your website is one of the most important things you could do. Probably because they are not marketers or they are misinformed.

But, they are out there.

You can find sites all over over the internet just by doing a search using a few keywords of your choosing and putting the keywords into Google's search engine.

(I would recommend using Google, because if their website doesn't show up in Google, the link may be worthless to you.)

Go to their site and you will see a link that says something like add URL, Resource Page, Links Page, or maybe even, Trade Links.

Click on it, and trade away.

Now one thing you must know when it comes to swapping links...

...put their link on your site first then email them with your link, link title and description. This is really the best way to do it so you're not wasting their time and they know that you are serious.

Focus on finding links if you want free traffic.

Matt Bacak

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter was Entrepreneur Magazines e-Biz radio show host and became a "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. He has helped a number of clients target his specialty, opt-in email direct marketing systems. The Powerful Promoter is not only a sought-after lead explosion specialist but has also generated leads for some of the world's top experts and businesses whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out someone else coached them on their lead generation strategies.

Matt Bacak
The Powerful Promoter
#1 Best Selling Author & Trainer
Toll-Free #: 1-866-MATT-123

P.S. "If you want to get hot rabid, prospects flowing into your newsletter, ezine or email list, just go here right now: http://www.promotingtips.com


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